Hello everyone! Sorry for not posting in such a long time, I don't have an excuse except that I've been pretty busy and then I forget...I know what you're all thinking! "He's just getting old" and you're right I am but I've never been more content then I am right now.
I went to the VA about my skin cancer a few months ago and they zapped a few suspicious spots. I just got the cost of that half hour in the mail...$950! I'm glad I don't have to pay for it.
I've decided that I am going to study to become a Secular Franciscan. It will take three and a half years to complete the study and be accepted into the Fraternity. A Secular Franciscan is a lay person who has been called to live the Gospel of our Lord according to the teachings of St. Francis and Ste. Claire. No, I won't be living in a monastery or get one of those little bald spots on the top of my head, which would have been hard to distinguish with my current hair style. I'm just starting out and I Pray that the Holy Spirit will help me in this decision. As most of you know, I've been going to the Franciscan Retreat house here in Minnesota for the past twelve years and I feel that whenever I feel that little tug by the Holy Spirit it was always a Franciscan that did the tugging. So, Pray for me and I will keep you all in my Prayers.
I started a Jail Ministry here in Kandiyohi and have found it to be a wonderful and eye opening experience. There's nothing like praying the Rosary with five or six inmates (with gang tattoos) that truly want to know our Lord Jesus Christ. It just appears that they can't get enough of talking about our Lord. I just can't believe that I'm doing this! Then I remember that I am just doing what the Spirit of God wants me to do, that this certainly isn't about me, but it's about our loving and forgiving God that has led me here and I've never been happier. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns forever!
I've decided to take a little time off this summer from the coffee shop. I'll only work three days a week. That will give me time to go camping, fish and bike. I really want to spend some time with my grandchildren and hope that this time off will give me the opportunity to do so.
I'm about half way done with my current sailboat which is coming along just great. I may have to take a trip to Denver to deliver it this summer.
I really don't want to think about part of the family moving to Denver. I remember how long it took for us to adjust to Minnesota and I still won't say "ufda" or "pop". I can't stand hockey (unless my grandchildren are playing)and for the most part all Minnesota pro teams should be semi-pro. Snow is just beautiful as long as you don't have to be digging drunks out of ditches or shovel four foot of it off your roof. I guess I went off on one of those "rants". I don't like the idea of my kids moving away and I get dry mouthed every time I think that I should have spent more time with them while they were here.
Mom and I are celebrating our fortieth anniversary this year and would like to go somewhere special next fall. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'll try and keep you all updated sorry for the delay.
About the Spirit

- The Spirit
- This blog started out with "about me" in the title. My whole life has been "about me". I hope that the entries that I make will be about the Spirit and how He has changed my life because it has always been about Him and how He works through us.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
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Dad, glad to see you back on! :) I'll admit, I got a little sick of seeing "Reflections" day after day. :)
Yikes...$950?! for half an hour? Glad you don't have to pay that, either. Is sunscreen sounding like a better idea now?
You know that you are always welcome in the Denver area. We are going to miss everyone tremendously; most of the time I can't talk about it.
Very anxious to see the ship when it's finished. It looks great so far!
I am glad to see someone who wants to become a Secular Franciscan. My wife and I did back in 94. It was a long process and I really could not afford the gas even then. However, It took about 7000 miles of travel and 2 or so years (once a month)
I do not go to the meetings as it is too far and I really miss it some time. Perhaps this forum will allow me to talk with like minded people.......LR Guffey SFO
Glad to not see "Reflections" any more, too! Keep writing as it is good to hear about all your doing (:
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